With a bounty like this you may wonder why I feel so bad for myself. And I do. I missed a time machine of sorts and it made my heart beat funny. Walter Søren Silas and I went to the fleas this morning. There was a mysteriously wonderful amount of olde store stock. All over the market. So I axed. There was a general store in Fleetwood PA that closed years ago. Living next to it were the owners. They died and there was an auction, or 3 (last one, yesterday). The treasures and the building are disbursed. Hither and thither. So it isn't so much that I missed the stuff (though I would have loved the stuff). I missed it together, as it has been for who knows how long. All gone. Time wandering off...
(bits, preserved.)
Yeah, though I am trying to curb my 'fucks', this hear deserves the biggy. Fuck.
Aside from that, I shall show you our treasures. And my new journal! And also the fact that somehow we do not have our wretched fleet of mosquitoes this year. So actually, life is really rather superb.
And next weekend is Renegade! And Art for the Cash Poor. We signed up for both accidentally. Oops.