16 September 2010

Request for Artist Droppings

I have had this idea running through my head for many years - I have even gone as far as scrambling around the floor s of friends studios picking up the teeny tiny scraps of what they do and I made this book to house the bits.

Walter and I have a show coming up that is to be installed on the 28th of September. Close. But now I know that I would like to put this together as a book for the show.

If you have the desire to be a part of this, please send an envelope with tiny scraps that represent what you do... colours and texture. Be it fabric or crunchy paint, bits of olde paper cut out paper, glitter. Animal hair human hair or flowers. Send send! And please put your name on it. I will be writing each artists name on the opposing page of the collage of droppings.

I am going to be selective.

Please pass this on and send them quickly! It is absurd of me to figure this out now but I have. And I want it.

Margaux Kent
1116 East Palmer Street
Philadelphia Penna

Write SCRAPPLINGS on the envelope!


  1. What a lovely idea! I will def send some!

  2. I wish I hadn't just emptied my garbage...you could have a wondrous selection of threads and fabrics to choose from...I'll send you what I have.

  3. Oh yay! I am so excited to get these bits!! More more more... I may need 30-40 artists...

  4. What a thrill it would be to be included in your project. Gathering some stuff + heading to the post office this am. Cheers, Mandy

  5. I want to do this, Margaux! I will try to get this together tonight...

    Sarah (Mouse Trap)

  6. I've got silver filings & sawn bits from my jeweler's bench...

  7. I would love to be in your project, have some nice scrapplings lying around. Will post them tomorrow from Amsterdam. I hope they will make it overseas in time though.

  8. yayay! I am looking forward to all of this!

  9. Ok, this is a fabulous project !!!
    But I suck at sending things on time ... I'll try, though !
    x x x

  10. Hi Margaux!

    I love the idea and sent a little bag and realised that I did not put 'scrapplings' on the envelope - my apologies! You have a Craft colored envelope coming to you from Cal. from Lisa Hannah. I didn't have a whole lot to gather...just from some very recent projects I had been working on.


  11. I don't know how I missed this post! posting scraps in the new week!! ~Lauralynn

  12. Thank you so far for the scrapplings received! I NEED MORE MORE MORE!

  13. So this must be why I compulsively save scraps too tiny for me to re-use... They're on their way to you! I even snuck back out to the mailbox and poked a few extras into the corner of the sealed envie. I hope you post photos of the finished project!


  14. Scrapplings posting on the morrow!
